What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

In a person with good health, cortisol levels peak in the morning to aid in waking up, gradually declining as the day progresses. Conversely, melatonin, known as the “sleepy time” hormone, shows an inverse relationship with cortisol; when cortisol is high, melatonin is low, and vice versa. Adrenal fatigue occurs when there is an imbalance in this cortisol rhythm, leading to situations where cortisol is low when it should be high, high when it should be low, or consistently low or high.

What causes adrenal fatigue?

  • autoimmune conditions
  • viruses
  • bacterial infections
  • accidents/injuries
  • emotional stress
  • excessive exercise
  • food intolerances
  • microbiome dysfunctions
  • toxins
Nurse George

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Tips For Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue

Identifying adrenal fatigue can be challenging due to its nonspecific symptoms, which may overlap with other conditions like depression, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, and certain autoimmune diseases. As a result, making a medical diagnosis can prove difficult. Seeking guidance from a medical professional or an endocrinologist is crucial to establish a baseline understanding of the body’s condition and take the first step towards addressing adrenal fatigue. In addition to conventional blood labs, I highly recommend the following measures:

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With their rich zinc content, oysters contribute to maintaining a balanced trace mineral ratio between copper and zinc, which plays a crucial role in promoting healthy neurotransmitter function and aiding the body in adapting to stress.

Organic turkey

The idea that a post-Thanksgiving meal rich in turkey can induce a “food coma” does hold some truth. This effect is attributed to the presence of tryptophan, a calming amino acid found in turkey.

Leafy greens

Magnesium, known as the original nutritional “chill pill,” is abundant in plant foods like Swiss chard and spinach. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in regulating and optimizing communication within the brain-adrenal axis.


This nutritious vegetable, rich in sulfur and beneficial B vitamin folate, is essential for maintaining optimal health. It’s crucial to ensure adequate levels of folate as deficiencies have been associated with neurotransmitter impairment, which can potentially lead to brain-hormonal issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing adrenal fatigue symptoms can be challenging due to their non-specific nature, often resembling other conditions like depression, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, and certain autoimmune diseases. As a result, arriving at a medical diagnosis can be difficult. Seeking guidance from a medical professional or endocrinologist to establish a baseline of the body’s condition is the initial step towards overcoming adrenal fatigue. In addition to conventional blood labs, I highly recommend the following tests:

  1. Adrenal fatigue labs: This involves a saliva test where you provide multiple samples throughout the day. While it requires a considerable amount of saliva, it provides substantial information about brain-adrenal function. My personal experience with these labs confirmed the presence of adrenal (HPA) dysfunction, as I had suspected.
  2. Microbiome labs: The microbiome encompasses a vast community of trillions of bacteria and fungi in the gut. Given that gut health profoundly impacts overall well-being, particularly brain and hormonal health, it is crucial to investigate and address any underlying gut issues, such as leaky gut syndrome, candida overgrowth, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, in order to recover from adrenal fatigue.
  3. Methylation labs: Methylation involves an array of biochemical processes occurring billions of times every second in the body. Proper methylation plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy brain, gut, hormones, and detox pathways, while also safeguarding DNA. However, some individuals may have genetic mutations that impede the methylation process. Personally, I have multiple methylation gene mutations, including the MTHFR gene mutation, which affects the absorption of specific essential vitamins. This valuable information empowered me to supplement more effectively to compensate for my nutritional deficiencies.


Managing chronic stress is another vital component of treating adrenal fatigue. Identifying the primary sources of stress is crucial, and taking steps to modify them can make a significant difference. This may involve testing for food intolerances, detoxifying your environment, or allowing yourself ample time to heal by clearing your schedule for a while. While it may not be possible to eliminate all stress from life, incorporating periods of rest and relaxation is essential. Allowing stress levels to subside can break the cycle of chronic stress, leading to the restoration of health and a return to feeling like yourself again.

Derived from the turmeric root, curcumin is a remarkable compound known for its potent antioxidant properties and neuroprotective attributes. An additional benefit is its mood-enhancing effect. In a randomized controlled trial, turmeric showcased its potential as an effective remedy for depression, (1) which often coexists with adrenal fatigue.


Oysters are a rich source of zinc, and maintaining a balanced trace mineral ratio between copper and zinc can significantly improve healthy neurotransmitter function and act as an adaptogen to combat stress. Studies have shown that an imbalance of increased copper and decreased zinc levels may contribute to brain stress and anxiety. Embracing oysters as a superfood from the sea can help achieve this balance, providing relief for stress levels and easing adrenal fatigue.

Organic Turkey

The notion that a post-Thanksgiving meal heavy on turkey induces a “food coma” indeed holds some truth. Turkey contains the calming amino acid tryptophan, which serves as a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, known for promoting feelings of calmness and enhanced anxiety management.

Grass-fed Organ Meats

Organ meats, such as liver, stand as some of the best sources of essential nutrients required to combat adrenal fatigue, including zinc and vitamin D. Additionally, they boast abundant amounts of choline and other B vitamins necessary for proper methylation processes within the body.

Leafy greens

Swiss chard and spinach, two examples of nourishing plant foods, boast an abundance of magnesium—the original nutritional “chill pill.” Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating and optimizing communication within the brain-adrenal axis, contributing to overall well-being and balance. (4)


This sulfur-rich vegetable, asparagus, also serves as an excellent source of the beneficial B vitamin folate. Maintaining adequate folate levels is vital, as low folate levels have been linked to potential neurotransmitter impairment, which may result in brain-hormonal challenges. (5)


Rich in beneficial B vitamins and monounsaturated fats, avocados play a crucial role in enhancing neurotransmitter production and supporting overall brain health. Additionally, their potassium content contributes to the natural regulation of blood pressure.

Full-fat kefir

The delicate balance of gut bacteria significantly impacts brain health, as the gut and brain communicate through the vagus nerve. Kefir, abundant in beneficial bacteria for a healthy microbiome, also provides essential fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2, effectively supporting brain health through this vital connection.

Coconut oil 

Highly versatile, coconut oil can be used in cooking, smoothies, or consumed directly. Its medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) offer beneficial fats that aid brain function and promote cognitive well-being.(7)

Wild-caught fish

Omega-rich foods, such as Alaskan salmon, play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, which is vital for maintaining optimal brain and hormonal health.

Breathing is an involuntary action we do all day long, but incorporating conscious and focused awareness of our breath can be a potent practice for reducing the stress response. Throughout the day, take moments to become mindful of your breath, and you’ll find that stress begins to dissipate, and the brain-adrenal axis gets a reboot. As part of my recommendations for patients dealing with adrenal fatigue, I also advocate mindfulness meditation or practicing present-moment awareness to further enhance the benefits of conscious breathing.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea, derived not from the traditional tea plant but from the Matricaria recutita herb, offers a mild and soothing taste. Studies have demonstrated its potential in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress within just a few weeks. (8)

Rooibos Tea: The African Red Bush Elixir

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea, another herbal infusion often referred to as a “non-tea,” originates from the African red bush, Rooibos. It is known for its cortisol-balancing effects, making it a valuable ally in managing stress. (9)

Discover the art of reducing emotional stress through mindfulness tools like focused breathing. By practicing this technique, you can cultivate a sense of calmness and effectively soothe your brain-adrenal axis.

Revitalizing the connection between the brain and adrenal glands is a gradual process, and what may be effective for one person may not necessarily work for another. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a qualified practitioner to discuss natural medicine therapy and receive personalized recommendations based on individual needs. Nevertheless, here are some general natural medicines that can aid in mitigating stress:

  • Adaptogenic herbs: Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Rosea, Holy Basil, and Eleuthero Ginseng can have a regulating effect on cortisol rhythm.
  • Magnesium: This essential mineral helps support the adrenal glands, relaxes stressed muscles and nerves, and promotes restful sleep. Additionally, it can contribute to maintaining regularity.
  • Methylation support: Incorporating activated forms of B12 and folate can be effective in supporting healthy methylation pathways, which play a role in balancing the melatonin-cortisol rhythm.
  • GABA support: GABA, the calming and inhibitory neurotransmitter, can be facilitated with the help of herbs like passion flower and amino acids such as theanine, glycine, and taurine. These substances act on the gabaminergic pathways in the brain, promoting a sense of calmness.

To facilitate the recovery of your brain and adrenal glands during the night, ensuring sufficient sleep is essential. Promote restful sleep by disconnecting from the TV and smartphone a few hours before bedtime and opting to read a book instead. Experts typically advise adults to aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night.


As I work indoors, it’s crucial for me to prioritize spending more time outside. I believe there’s a natural inclination in our DNA that draws us to the sun and fresh air, as they offer health-boosting benefits. Additionally, I enjoy practicing earthing, walking barefoot outside, whenever possible, as it helps me de-stress. There’s something truly grounding and refreshing about the direct connection between my skin and the earth.

Being indoors for work highlights the importance of prioritizing outdoor time for me. I firmly believe that our DNA possesses a natural affinity for the sun and fresh air, which provide invaluable health benefits. Moreover, I find solace in practicing earthing, walking barefoot outdoors whenever I can, as it effectively helps me alleviate stress. The direct connection between my skin and the earth feels genuinely grounding and invigorating.

Finding a balance in managing stress can be quite challenging. The fear of disappointing others and the never-ending tasks can weigh heavily. However, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of creating space in your life for self-care, spending quality time with loved ones, and doing what brings fulfillment to your soul. Don’t merely pencil it in; prioritizing your well-being is as crucial as anything else you do for your health, and perhaps even more vital, particularly for achieving proper healing from adrenal fatigue.

Depending on the unique dysfunction of your brain-adrenal axis, seeking the assistance of a qualified practitioner becomes essential to assess your condition and carefully replenish a small portion of the missing adrenal hormones for a specific duration. This is where functional medicine plays a crucial role. Tailored doses of DHEA and the cortisol precursor, pregnenolone, can stimulate your body’s natural production, but determining the appropriate amounts and frequency requires professional guidance.

As pioneers in the realm of functional medicine telehealth clinics, we offer webcam health consultations to individuals worldwide.